
Online Training Operation Management Professional PT Expertindo

PT Expertindo sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa training dan konsultan terkemuka di Indonesia menggelar online training yang disertai sertifikasi dengan judul Operation Management Professional. Menggunakan fasilitas video conference Zoom, peserta yang berasal dari Universitas Ma Chung bertatap muka untuk membahas materi pelatihan. Online training ini berlangsung selama 3 hari, dimana di hari ketiga adalah pelaksanaan ujian sertifikasi dengan American Academy sebagai lembaga sertifikasi internasionalnya. Adapun pembahasan dari online training dan sertifikasi yang berlangsung adalah sebagai berikut:

Foto Online Training Operation Management Professional PT Expertindo

The increasing flow of business information has caused many executives losing their direction and being unable to make proactive decisions. For example, while the issue of rescheduling foreign debt is still unsettled, a new threat of a second financial crisis has emerged to affecting Asia. While an investment in the expansion of production facilities is being approved, the market suddenly shows sign of slowing; or while sales are on the rise, a new competitor suddenly emerges with better quality product at lower prices.

To deal with an ever-changing business environment, executives need to equip themselves with new strategic business analysis capabilities; i.e. the ability to analyze different factors in business that will help in the understanding, interpretation and characterization of strategic issues that determine the survival of a company. Only when business executive understand these strategic issues will they be able to survive and thrive amid the storm of information.

Strategic-management process  canbe  described  as anobjective,  logical, systematic  approach for making major decisions in an organization. It attempts to organize qualitative and quantita-tive information in a way that allows effective decisions to be made under conditions of uncertainty.

Nevertheless,  strategic  management  is  not  a  pure  science  that  lends  itself  to  a  nice,  neat,  one-two-three approach. Based on past experiences, judgment, and feelings, intuition is essential to making good strategic  decisions. Intuition is particularly useful for making decisions  in situations of great uncertainty or little precedent. Although some organizations today may survive and prosper because they have  intuitive  geniuses managing them,  most are not so fortunate. Most organizations  can  benefit  from  strategic  management,  which  is  based  upon  integrating  intuition  and analysis in decision making. Choosing an intuitive or analytic approach to decision making is not an either or proposition. Managers at all levels in an organization inject their intuition and judgment into strategic-management analyses. Analytical thinking and intuitive thinking complement each other.

This course includes a study of strategic planning including mission statement development, analysis of the external environment and internal organizational factors, development of strategic alternatives, selection of appropriate alternatives, implementation of strategies, and competitive strategies and dynamics. Special emphases are given to the integration and coordination of the functional areas within the enterprise. The case method will be used to provide practical experience in analysis and decision-makingin the solution of business problems.

The participants by the end of the course program shall undertake the certification exam for proving that they have fulfilled the standard requirement as strategic business analyst.

The AAFM® certification process, administered by GAFM Board, identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the AAFM® certification marks in the globe have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients.


The successful completion of the course provides the participants with the skills and abilities to assist the strategic management process in companies, small and large, the participants shall have comprehensive undertanding and knowledge in information system and to develop the skills to perform external and internal analyses for companies and to evaluate the dynamics of competition, and to write a business plan for a smaller business or for a division of a larger one. The course is aimed at developing the participants abilities in recognition, analysis and solving of strategic problems, including the to communicate them in written forms and orally, and including the skills development for team work such as:

  • Build strategies using appropriate frameworks and tools
  • Understand the basics of strategy implementation and control
  • Understand the nature of competition and industries at an advanced level.
  • Understand how external forces such as social, political/legal, economic, and technological, influence strategic decision-making and firm performance.
  • Understand the sophisticated relationships among the functional areas of an organization (marketing, human resources, production, finance, and accounting) and how effective strategic planning requires a concerted effort among all functional areas.
  • Understand strategy research, including extensive use of the internet as a research tool.
  • Apply the strategic management model to the analysis of an ongoing enterprise, including industry, environmental, and firm assessments; firm, business, and functional strategic assessments; development and evaluation of strategic alternatives; and strategic implementation and control
  • Earn a Certificate of CSBA after completion and passing the AAFM examination


  1. Introducing Strategy
  2. Fundamentals of Strategy
  3. Strategic management
  4. The Macro environment, Industries and Sectors
  5. Strategic Capability
  6. Competitive advantage
  7. Value chain
  8. External analysis: Political Legal Forces, Social and Technological Forces
  9. Internal analysis
  10. Competitive positioning and business strategy
  11. Industry Competition
  12. Strategic purpose
  13. Level Strategies: Business Unit Strategies and Functional Strategies
  14. Business strategy
  15. Strategy Formulation
  16. Strategy Execution:
  17. Organizational Structure
  18. Culture and Leadership
  19. Strategic Control
  20. Corporate strategy and diversification
  21. Managerial Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  22. International strategies
  23. Mergers, acquisitions and alliances
  24. Organizing Strategy Implementation
  25. Wrap up and Consultation

Selain Online Training Operation Management Professional PT Expertindo, PT Expertindo juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.

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