
Online Training Certified IoT Professional PT Expertindo

PT Expertindo sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa training dan konsultan terkemuka di Indonesia di minggu kedua November 2021 menggelar online training dan sertifikasi dengan berbagai judul. Menggunakan fasilitas video conference seperti Zoom, Google Meet dan MS Teams, instruktur dan peserta yang berasal dari beberapa tempat yang berbeda langsung bertatap muka untuk membahas materi pelatihan. Salah satu judul pelatihan yang berlangsung antara tanggal 8 hingga 10 November adalah Internet of think (IoT) Professional. Training yang disertai sertifikasi di hari ketiganya ini merupakan kerjasama antara PT Expertindo dengan American Academy Project Management yang merupakan lembaga sertifikasi internasional yang berpusat di USA. Training ini diikuti peserta yang berasal dari PT Indosat, Tbk dengan beberapa posisi/jabatan peserta yang berbeda. Adapun pembahasan lengkap dari online training IoT adalah sebagai berikut.

Foto Online Training Certified IoT Professional PT Expertindo


The Internet of things (IoT) is a term for the growing number of electronics that aren’t traditional computing devices, but are connected to the internet to send data, receive instructions or both.

There’s an incredibly broad range of things that fall under that umbrella: Internet-connected smart versions of traditional appliances like refrigerators and light bulbs, gadgets that could only exist in an internet-enabled world like Alexa-style digital assistants; internet-enabled sensors that are transforming factories, healthcare, transportation, distribution centers and farms.

The Internet of Things is transforming our physical world into a complex and dynamic system of connected devices on an unprecedented scale. The IoT brings the power of the internet, data processing and analytics to the real world of physical objects. For consumers, this means interacting with the global information network without the intermediary of a keyboard and screen; many of their everyday objects and appliances can take instructions from that network with minimal human intervention.

IoT is about connecting machines or, as we refer to them, ‘things’ that were previously ‘dumb objects’. You can think everything from your toaster to a security camera, to the internet in order to transmit the data they collect, monitor them and enable them to ‘talk to each other’.

Advances in technology are making possible a more widespread adoption of IoT, from pill-shaped micro-cameras that can pinpoint thousands of images within the body, to smart sensors that can assess crop conditions on a farm, to the smart home devices that are becoming increasingly popular.

in this Internet of Things (IoT) course, participants will learn general strategies for planning, designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining an IoT system.

Besides other things, you will learn what are the building blocks of IoT and what are the underlying technologies that drive the IoT revolution. There is also a case study on building a smart city by assembling and configuring IoT devices to work in a sensor network.

At the successful completion of the training participants will be awarded your certification designating you as a Certified Internet of things Professional (CITP®).

The American Academy Information Technology training and certifications based on the approach from this high-level perspective and given adequate time, attention and resources, and without these things, the results which are looked for will be missing out on a tremendous opportunity for the participants organizations.

American Academy offers a full array of unique professional Information Technology certificate courses to start or enhance your career in ergonomics. Designation program is nationally recognized as the industry leader for professional development training in the field of IT. It balances scientifically supported ergonomic theory with practical application. Participants will learn the latest in IoT research and how to apply it in a practical manner at any workplace.

The AAPM® certification process, administered by IBS, identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the AAPM® certification marks in the globe have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients.


1. Understand the basic concepts of IoT

2. Plan an IoT implementation

3. Construct and program an IoT device

4. Communicate with an IoT device using wired and wireless connections

5. Process sensor input and control an actuator on an IoT device

6. Manage security, privacy, and safety risks on IoT projects

7. Learn how to apply Machine Learning in IoT

8. Manage an IoT prototyping and development project throughout the development lifecycle


1. Overview of Internet of Things (IoT)

a. What is Internet of Things?

b. Why to learn IoT?

c. Growth in IoT

d. History of IoT

e. The Power of IoT

f. How an IoT System Actually Works

g. Fundamental components of an IoT system

h. Application of IoT

2. Sensors & Devices

a. Overview of Sensors and Devices

b. IoT Device Hardware

c. Scaling

d. Manufacturing & Shipping

e. Gateways

3. Connectivity

a. Introduction to Connectivity

b. Cellular

c. Satellite

d. WiFi

e. Bluetooth


4. Data Processing

a. Introduction to the Cloud

b. Introduction to the IoT Platform

 When Should Your Organization Use an IoT Platform?

 IoT Platform Types

 Choosing an IoT Platform

 When Do You Need an IoT Platform?

c. APIs

5. User Interface & User Experience in IoT

a. Introduction to UI & UX for IoT

b. User Interface

c. History of UI

d. User Experience (UX)

e. How IoT will change UX

f. Key Considerations for UIs

6. IoT Protocols & Machine Learning for IoT

a. Overview of IoT Protocols

b. IoT Network Protocols


 LoRaWan

 Bluetooth

 ZigBee

c. IoT Data Protocols


 CoAP


 M2M Communication protocol


d. Why should you care about IoT protocols?

e. Machine Learning for IoT

7. IoT for Smart Cities

a. What is a smart city?

b. Why do we need smart cities?

c. What is the role of IoT in Smart Cities?

d. Smart city case study: Barcelona, Spain

8. Case Study : Participants will be involved in IoT cases that will enhance their Internet technology perspectives and lead towards effective implementation in their workplace.

Selain Online Training Certified IoT Professional PT Expertindo, PT Expertindo juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.

Untuk judul dan informasi online training, kunjungi juga website PT Expertindo lainnya di alamat

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