Pada tanggal 8 dan 9 Agustus 2020 PT Expertindo Training sukses menggelar online training berjudul Accredited Supply Chain Professional Agustus. Menggunakan fasilitas video conference, instruktur dan peserta yang berasal dari beberapa daerah Indonesia langsung bertatap muka untuk membahas materi pelatihan. Pelatihan yang disertai dengan sertifikasi ini merupakan kerja sama PT Expertindo Training sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa training terkemuka di Indonesia dengan American Academy Project Management. Pelatihan ini dipandu langsung oleh Dr. Ir. Elisa Kusrini, MT., CPIM., CSCP sebagai instruktur yang ahli di bidang manajemen supply chain.
Foto Online Training Accredited Supply Chain Professional Agustus 2020
Pelatihan ini dapat diikuti peserta dari berbagai instansi dan perusahaan baik dari instansi pemerintah pusat dan daerah, Badan usaha milik negara, perusahaan nasional dan multinasional, institusi pendidikan dan lainnya. Peserta diantaranya berasal dari GE Transportation, a Wabtec Company, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia (UISI), PT. Transportation Indonesia, PT. Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (April Group) dan PT. Linfox Logistik Indonesia.
Pelatihan yang juga disertai sertifikasi langsung dari American Academy Project Management yang diadakan di tanggal 10 Agustus 2020 dan diikuti semua peserta pelatihan.
Adapun pembahasan dari pelatihan yang berlangsung:
This course describe a international supply chain operation management as a result of increasing integration of all functions that deman supply chain professionals must be aware of the impact that logistical decision-making has on other elements of the firm’s strategic and global goals and objectives.
Supply chain management professional must have thorough awareness of the changes in and increased use of technology, emphasis on strategic planning, and supply chain integration as a competitive imperative, and the practice of supply chain is a professional discipline.
Participants will be expected to gain a working understanding of how to identify reference and implement logistics management and control policies, standards and related supply chain and logistics operation standards.
In reference to standard operation , the objective is to learn how to identify and interpret the requirements of the standards and implement the standards in the logistics process, and wider in supply chain management process.
Each class session will include discussion on supply chain management global challenges, the role of global supply chain management in the world market channels, and issues that participants should be familiar with.
Module 1 : Basic Supply Chain Management
Module 2 : SC alignment witg business strategy (Strategi SCM)
Module 3 : Supplier Relationship Management : Procurement process, Supplier selection, strategi SRM, Aliances, technology in SRM. Measuring SRM , Chalanges SRM
Module 4 : Logistics and Distribution :Distribution strategy,Logistic service provider (Outsourcing Logistic): 3rd & 4-th party logistic, Incoterm 2017
Module 5 : Inventory and Warehousing
Module 6 : CRM Developing, using teschnologi, measuring CS, Chalanges in Crm
Module 7 : Technologi in SCm: ERP, APS, SCEM: IT in logistic: VMI, RFID, WMS, TMS
Module 8 : Risk Management in SCM: Identifiction, Mitigation, Risk response, Security & regulatory concern, ISO 30001
Module 9 : SC Dinamic: Source of Variability &.Managing internal source & external source
Module 10 : SC Peformance measurement using SCOR
Selain Online Training Accredited Supply Chain Professional Agustus 2020, PT Expertindo juga menggelar In House Training yang beritanya dapat dilihat di link berikut => In House Training.
Untuk judul dan informasi online training, kunjungi juga website PT Expertindo lainnya di alamat