AAPM Artikel

Live Online Training Certified Conflict Resolution Professional

American Academy of Project Management

Certified Conflict Resolution Professional (CCRP): 14 sd 15 September 2020
*Bagi yang akan mengikuti Ujian Sertifikasi, akan dilaksanakan ditanggal 16 September 2020


The Certified Conflict Resolution Professional (CCRP) program provides participants with the strategic knowledge and techniques needed to resolve conflict effectively in order to achieve the organization’s long term business goals. The program also serves as an excellent platform for participants to obtain wider insight into the broad spectrum of conflict resolution.


  • Analyzing a conflict and move toward its resolution with more assurance of a positive outcome for everyone.
  • Addressing common managerial pitfalls, avoiding vague environments, recognizing the difference between fix-it tactics and resolution, and taking a realistic view of your skills
  • Preparing to facilitate, kicking off a mediation meeting, listening to employees’ perspectives, summarizing, reflecting, and reframing, and creating a road map for discussion.
  • Getting employees to open up, homing in on values, brainstorming to generate ideas, posing the right questions, and overcoming common conflict obstacles.
  • Reconvening a mediation session, creating settlements, and closing the meeting on a positive note
  • Recognizing your role as facilitator, using various methods to gather information, conducting a group conflict meeting, and following up with the team.


  • During the program, participants will be provided with a comprehensive information which will be easy to re-use, reference, and share at the workplace.
  • Throughout the program, participants will have the opportunity to learn concepts related to conflict resolution as well as best practice approaches on how to resolve conflict effectively.
  • As the program will be delivered by extensively experienced Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, you will have the opportunity to discuss, consult, and relate to conflict resolution issues and problems at your work place and understand how such issues and problems would be resolved.
  • After successfully completing the program, you will have the opportunity to brand yourself with the title Certified Conflict Resolution Professional (CCRP).



  • Professional certification establishes credibility.
  • Certification recognizes professional achievement. It is a visible reminder to co-workers and senior management of the holder’s expertise.
  • Certification allows you to make a greater contribution to your organization’s success. The knowledge and visibility you gain provide you with an opportunity to make a difference in your organization.
  • Certification moves with you as you change organizations and careers.
  • A highly valued certification gives you a distinct advantage in the job market. Certification gives you an extra measure of confidence as a candidate.



This two days training program is designed for Manager, Supervisor, Team Leader, and anyone who has received no formal preparation in managing conflict and needs skill building and practical methods for handling organizational and personal conflicts.



The trainer uses up-to-date training techniques and a variety of training methods, to help all participants learn about conflict resolution. All of the training will carried out in a relaxed supportive atmosphere. During the training session, participants had the opportunity to consult directly with the trainer on conflict resolution issues and ways to overcome those issues.


Module 1. The Nature of Conflict

Module 2. Ten Steps for Turning Negatives into Positive

Module 3. Understanding What People Bring to Conflict

Module 4. Determining How Groups Contribute to Conflict

Module 5. Practicing Self-Awareness: Understanding How You Foster Conflict

Module 6. Knowing When to Address Conflict

Module 7. Developing a Plan and Preparing for a Meeting

Module 8. Starting a Mediation Meeting and Creating a Working Agenda

Module 9. Negotiating Possible Solutions to a Conflict

Module 10. Offering Proposals and Crafting Agreements

Module 11. Adapting a Conflict Meeting for the Entire Team

Module 12. Monitoring Agreements and Progress

Pembayaran & Pendaftaran
Mengirimkan data diri dengan format:
(Nama lengkap/ no HP/ email/ asal instansi/ cara pembayaran (tunai atau transfer) ke WhatsApp contact person

Melampirkan bukti pembayaran via email expertindotraining@gmail.com atau mail@expertindo-training.com atau WhatsApp.

Nomor Rekening:
an CV.Expertindo Bank Mandiri
(137-000-978-68780 atau

Expertindo Bank BNI

Metode Live Online Training:

  • Media Live training menggunakan Zoom

Senin – Selasa, 14 sd 15 September 2020
*Bagi yang akan mengikuti Ujian Sertifikasi, akan dilaksanakan ditanggal 16 September 2020

Biaya dan Fasilitas:

  • Mahasiswa/Fresh Graduate: Rp. 750.000,00
  • Instansi/Dosen/Umum: Rp. 1.500.000,00
  • Sertifikasi 500 USD (bagi yang mengambil sertifikasi)
  • Modul online training, try out online dan ujian sertifikasi (Jika ikut sertifikasi)
  • Certificate training hardcopy dan atau softcopy attendance AAPM


Profesional Trainer:
Muthia Murrakhmi, S.Psi., M.Psi
(Professional Trainer & Consultant di bidang manajemen SDM)

Formulir Pendaftaran


CP: WhatsApp
Khoirunnisa             (085385532986)
Pratiwi Lorosaputri  (082327539001)
Isna Fitriyani            (085326075006)
Amelia                     (085725711692)

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