This Finance and Accounting for the Oil & Gas Industry training course provides the essential financial knowledge and skills to enable delegates to successfully recommend appropriate methods of finance and to prepare, understand and evaluate financial accounts for the Oil & Gas industry. It focuses on the finance and accounting issues specifically affecting the industry including: IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Assets, Accounting Approaches, The “Successful Efforts” and “Full Cost” (FC) Method, Accounting for Reserves, Resources & Assets. This training course will feature:
- A detailed understanding of finance and accounting in the Oil & Gas industry, focusing on leading international practice
- Technology Solution Center for oil and gas accounting
- Examination and evaluation of the latest techniques
- Skills development via interactive sessions
- Key discussion of the latest accounting issues currently facing the Oil & Gas industry.
Training course is specifically tailored for those working or wishing to work in the Oil & Gas industry. It is particularly suited to:
- Those responsible for raising and managing finance
- Those responsible for making or contributing to capital decisions
- Professionals who require a more in-depth understanding of finance and accounting
- Line heads with direct finance and accounting responsibility
- Those responsible for making decisions based on finance budgets.
- Recommend appropriate methods of financing capital projects
- Technology Solution Center for oil and gas accounting
- Evaluate capital investment proposals
- Prepare financial statements in line with International Financial Reporting Standards
- evaluate financial statements to identify and recommend improvements within their own organisation
Presentasi, lecture, studi kasus, tanya jawab, brainstorming, diskusi
Pengelola proyek konstruksi (owner, kontraktor, konsultan), professional dalam bidang teknik sipil atau arsitektur dan umum yang berkepentingan dengan pembangunan bangunan gedung atau konstruksi lainnya.