- Be able calculate, analyze both stress and streght ipressure vessel design
- Knowledge of proper material selectioon for Pressure Vessel
- Better skill to operate, maintain and repair of Pressure Vessel
- Introduction of Pressure Vessel
- Principle of Pressure Vessel
- Inspection, Repair and Maintenance
- Inspection produre
- Inspection Interval
- Hydro Test
- Pnrumatic Test
- Leak Test
- Sttainless steel overlaid inspection and ined vessel
- Rotating roll inspection
- Low – presure vessel inspection and heat exchanger
- Maintenance: Preventive maintenance high presure plant, Presictive maintenance, Maintenance Organization, Safety on weldment and cutting, Maintenance management, Maintenance supervision
- Repair Pitting Repair
- Case Study
Pelatihan ini dapat diikuti oleh para teknisi, operator maupun supervisor yang bekerja dibidang Velves
Tugino, ST.,MT dan Tim
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