Information system auditors take up where the financial auditors do not tread-into the design and implementation effectiveness and operation effectiveness of the information system. The course will focus on general computer control, application-level control auditing as well as introducing a risk-based management approach.
The course is also designed to help candidates familiar with IT audit concepts and rules for regulatory compliance under Sarbanes-Oxley (corporations), Gramm-Leach-Biley, and FFIEC (both financial), FISMA (government), HIPAA (medical records), SCADA (utilities), and other regulators.
The course will also help you to become a true management consultant in the IT audit filed and will help you well prepared for the American Academy examination, which is offered by American I.S Audit and Control Association.
The instructor-led classroom training covers the CISA body of knowledge to build a working understanding of the material.
The training course will cover topics such as auditor responsibilities, scope, audit charter, technical material, privacy requirements, for CISA exam preparation. The course has updated the contents to reflect the new subject material of the CISA exam.
At the completion of this course, the participants shall have a comprehensive understanding and knowledge in Information System and Technology Audit and encompassing such as:
- Participants shall obtain an expanded understanding of the role of IT auditors in evaluating IT-related operational and control risk and in assessing the appropriateness and adequacy of management control practices and IT-related controls inside participants’ organization
- Participants shall obtain the capability in conducting IT audit and implement techniques in performing assurance, attestation, and audit engagements
- Participants shall obtain an expanded familiarity with the principle references in IT governance, control, and security as related to IT audit
- Participants shall obtain the working ability to plan, conduct, and report on information technology audits
- Participants shall obtain an understanding of the role of IT auditors regarding IT-related compliance and regulatory audits, such as evaluating control standards
- Participants shall be prepared and thoroughly confident upon themselves to take CISA professional certificate examination
- Module 1 – IS Audit Process
- Module 2 – IT Governance
- Module 3 – System and Infrastructure Life Cycle
- Module 4 – IT Service Delivery and Support
- Module 5 – Protection of Information Assets
- Module 6 – Business Continuity Plan
- Module 7 – Ensuring Requirements Quality
- Case Studies
Methods :
- Presentation
- Discussion
- Case Study
American Academy Certified Consultant
And team