The business environment is always changing and no exception to the financial industry such as banking industry. The banking enterprise needs to be agile in order to be successful and survive on the long term. An effective business process management helps to overcome that challenge and achieve the necessary agility and innovation.
The Business Process Management (BPM) course provides participant with an understanding of the techniques for using business practices and methods to create and improve business processes. The foundational knowledge of business processes can be used to create benchmark processes that provide business performance improvements across functional units and organizational. The subject presents a radically different way of thinking about organizations and work in order to create knowledge and skills necessary to develop a program of process reengineering, management and excellence in organizations
At the completion of this course, the participants should be able to :
- Conceptualize organizations as process collectives and implement new processes
- Analyze business processes and understand their contribution to business performance
- Improve process definition and efficiency by the application of process modeling and analysis methods
- Support organizational transition through agile processes
- Transition processes from the internal organization to external performers through outsourcing
- Managers involved in the management, running or optimization of business processes
- Project staff and executives involved in business process reengineering, business process improvement
- Information technology professionals involved in projects that are concerned, in part, with the automation of business processes
Segment 1: Principles of Business Process Management
Segment 2: Process Refinement and Reengineering
Segment 3: Business Process Management
Segment 4: Business Process Innovation
Segment 5: Business Process Specification and Strategy
Segment 6: Business Process Implementation and Control
Segment 7: Business Process Governance
Metode pelatihan online dapat dilakukan dengan dua metode dimana Peserta dapat memilih metode yang sesuai. Metode tersebut adalah :
- Metode Peserta Belajar Online Mandiri (Asinkron) yaitu:
- Peserta mendownload materi pelatihan (dalam bentuk file PPT/PDF/video) dan belajar mandiri dengan waktu belajar diatur sendiri oleh peserta.
- Masa aktif tayang setiap materi pelatihan 4 minggu dengan disediakan konsultasi maks 4 jam online dihitung sejak materi mulai ditayangkan.
- Apabila diperlukan peserta dapat diskusi atau konsultasi terkait dengan materi yang akan difasilitasi oleh konsultan/trainer dari PT Expertindo melalui berbagai media seperti Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom, Team link, atau WhatsApp sesuai dengan kesepakatan.
- Tersedia paket harga khusus jika ada beberapa orang mendaftar untuk training yang sama dan dari perusahaan yang sama
- Metode Live Online Training (Sinkron) yaitu:
- Instruktur mengajar secara LIVE dengan durasi 4 jam perhari selama 2 hari secara terjadwal
- Media Live training dapat menggunakan Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom atau Team link.
- Tersedia harga khusus jika training yang sama diikuti oleh beberapa peserta dari perusahaan yang sama
Investasi dan Fasilitas
- Course Fee Rp 2.900.000
- Modul online training
- Certificate training Hardcopy dan atau Softcopy
Arya Wirabhuana, S.T, M.Sc, CMPM and Team
Professional trainer dan konsultan di bidang manajemen. Menyelesaikan pendidikan Master of Science dari University Technology Malaysia di Tahun 2006. Memiliki gelar Certified Master of Project Management dari Brainbench Test centre – Project Management Institute PMBOK test centre di tahun 2009 & 2012. Berpengalaman memberikan berbagai training di bidang manajemen, quality control, dan supply chain di berbagai perusahaan baik BUMN, swasta nasional, maupun multinasional.