Well Service merupakan suatu bagian yang bertugas menangani segala kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan sumur. Kegiatan tersebut meliputi usaha agar sumur siap berproduksi (initial completion) maupun usaha perbaikan sumur akibat kerusakan saat berproduksi (Work Over). Semua kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh team ini bertujuan untuk mempertahankan serta meningkatkan laju produksi sumur.
Tujuan Training
To give participants a technical information to make them to know and understand well completion/well servicing materials and operations.
Materi Training
Necessary basics of reservoir engineering for completion
- Necessary basics of drilling for completion
- Introduction to well completion
- Connecting the pay zone and the bore hole
- Equipment of naturally flowing wells
- Artificial lift
- Well servicing and work over
Instrumentation Engineers, technicians, Design Engineers, Process Engineers, Operation Engineer, Well testing group, Production Operation, Reservoir Engineering, Maintenance Superintendent and Supervisor.