Safety is most important criteria in any condition including working area. Fail safe concept should be implemented to guarantee that activities done in safe system. Meanwhile, when devices or system tend to run in unsafe condition, warning or alarm system should work to prevent thing from worst condition. Moreover protection system should provide protection for people around the circumference area from any harmful condition.
This training will discuss about the fail safe concept, basic of early warning, alarm, and protective devices to let operators knows how they are principally work.
- Introduction to Basic Alarm Technology
- Fault Detection & Prevention in Real Time
- Industrial Safety
- Fail and Fool Proof Concept
- Alarm Basics
- Security System Components,
- Zones,
- Wiring Basics,
- Input Devices: Infra Red, Wireless / Radio Frequency, Initiating Device
- Output Devices: Controlled by the panel, visual, audible or both, local or remote
- System Communications:
Engineer or operator in fire department, control and instrument system department, maintenance department.
Presentasi, Diskusi , Studi Kasus
Ir. Paryana Puspaputra, M.Eng. and Team